On the eleventh of November 1918 Poland was re-enacted as a state after 123 years of nonexistence. In late 18th century the First Noble Republic of Poland, once the greatest country in Europe "from the sea to the sea", was distributed between its neighbours: Russia, Prussia and Austria. It was not until some of our oppressors lost the I World War that an opportunity for re-etablishement of Poland occurred. Thus the Second Republic of Poland came to being. A young state, young government, new army - despite all this "novelty" Polish generals were able to win over the red scoundrels who started invading Poland on their planned march across Europe to bring in the "communist enlightment" to the "wrong ideology of European people". Then, the government started buidling up the national economy. They were successful, and fast. The City of Gdynia was the pride of the II RP. Therefore the people here celebrate joyfully the anniversary of the between-wars-Poland.
The Polish patriots always start every national celebration with a holy mass. Here an organisation dressed up in the pre-war uniforms with their banner
After the church service the parade started
Young people against one of the most famous Art Deco buildings - the dominating style in the city |
Gdynia is the Headquarters of the Polish Navy
Polish Navy Academy |
Officials of the City Hall
Youngsters carrying elements for the construction of Poland |
After the Parade had come to the end point - Poland was built up |
Groups reconstructing historic events |
The Kashubians - a slavic nation living in a lake district to the west of Gdynia |
The Kashubians in their own language |
Representatives of other regions in Poland in their costumes |
The scouts |
The Guilds |
Footbal fan clubs |
Gdynia Arka Footbal Club |
Some medieval warriors |
Young sportsmen |
The Catholic Primary School |
Catholic High School of the Jesuits
Sports club |
Some school students dressed up in the 20s style |
Students of the Sports School |
Students of the Hotel and Catering Industry High School
The parade ended in the square next to the Music Theatre where the actors promoted the new repertoire |
Against the Theatre building |
An opera singer, Piotr Lempa, led the singing of the National Anthem |
On the eve of the National Day, the statue of marshall Jozef Pilsudski, the creator of the Second Republic of Poland, was unveiled in the Pilsudski Promenade |

A very patriotic, joyful and emotional day. For the last couple of years the Polish nationalist organisations have been meeting in Warsaw from various Polish cities to participate in a grand Independence March. An ocean of people with an ocean of Polish flags shouting patriotic and religious slogans. A beautiful view! Many of them, however, football fans which makes it difficult for the left wing. Therefore two years ago some communist organisations invited young "pacifists" from Germany to fight Polish "faschists"! Last year police, masked, staged stone throwing against ..... the police simulating an attack by the marching youth! This year somebody burnt down the rainbow installation put up by the gay communities in front of a church in Warsaw. Of course, the marching boys were blamed for it although the March route did not pass that way. In short - only because the March is organised by nationalistic organisations of young people who are unsatisfied with this government and want Poland to remain catholic instead of "rainbow coloured" and national, meaning, not dominated by any other state or economy, they are being attacked by the mainstream media - very much government influenced - as "faschists". I share their ideas. Because I do not like it that Poland is immer noch under the shoe of Moscow and its economy is being "disarmed" by closing down Polish factories, such as most sugar production - have the sugar beets across all Poland suddenly rotten down??? Thus we often buy sugar from ... Germany. And I am against the Israeli claim for 60 biillion $ compensation from Poland for their property lost at the time of German occupation, which the Polish government seems to support!! Why not from Berlin? Or is the question politically incorrect?
So, here I am - a "fashist" :)
The leftist-gay lobby is at large and supported by the "progressive politicians" including our government.
Here, pictures from Warsaw by Newsweek:
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