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The place the Kochanowski family manor used to stand. |
Jan Kochanowski was a very illustrious man of letters of Poland. He started his education in Cracow in its famous Jagellonian Academy and continued in Königsberg and Padua. He set the standards of Polish language. Owing to his education, he served the king as royal secretary
He was born in Sycyna in the estate of his father in 1579.
The entrance to the area of the former Kochanowskis estate |
The coat of arms of the Kochanowski family |
The relics of the Kochanowski manor house |
Jan Kochanowski died unexpectedly in 1584 in Lublin, and his body was brought to his parish church in the town of Zwoleń, where the tomb and the epitaph have been well looked after to this day.
The church in Zwoleń |
The tomb in the crypt. You can make light on to see it.
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